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Фельдшер, соцработник и участковый...

Помогут вам, если вы алкоголик в приполярье.

«Магаданская область является приполярной территорией. Высока доля в численности населения лиц коренных народов Крайнего Севера, имеющих низкую толерантность к алкоголю.
В области для борьбы с алкогольной смертностью работают патронажные медико-социальные группы, в которые входят фельдшер, соцработник и участковый. Патронажем охвачены находящиеся под наблюдением наркологов, а также семьи, в которых, по информации комиссии по делам несовершеннолетних, пьют родители или дети.»

upd. Если читать между строк, то помощь будет заключаеться в таблекте аспирина, запугивании зоной и лишением родительских прав.

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Авторы старых ХХХ комиксов

метки: комиксы
Список авторов, который будет меняться. На домашнем компе можно потерять, а тут и сохранится и найти проще.

Robert Hugues
Bruno Coq

Rossano Rossi
Paul Naring

Roy Tenidri
Luis Tobalina

Michael Manning

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249   2   0   0

Ооо да, я балдею от теорий заговоров!

Как известно, самое умное лежит открыто, но часто под неинтересной обложкой.

* Необходимо достичь того, чтобы кроме нас, во всех государствах были только массы пролетариата, несколько преданных нам миллионеров, полицейские и солдаты.

* Главный успех политики заключается в тайне ее предприятий: слово не должно согласоваться с действиями дипломата.

* Нас будет окружать целая плеяда банкиров, промышленников, капиталистов, а главное — миллионеров, потому что, в сущности, все будет разрешено вопросом цифр.

* Все наши газеты будут всевозможных направлений — аристократического, республиканского, революционного, даже анархического — пока, конечно, будет жить конституция… Они, как индийский божок Вишну, будут иметь сто рук, из которых каждая будет щупать пульс у любого из общественных мнений.

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Способность фантазировать - это дар. Большинство людей ни о чем не фантазируют.

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Поланский (copy)

It's getting more and more difficult to make an ambitious and original film. There are less and less independent producers or independent companies and an increasing number of corporations who are more interested in balance sheets than in artistic achievement. They want to make a killing each time they produce a film. They're only interested in the lowest common denominator because they're trying to reach the widest audience. And you get some kind of entropy. That's the danger; they look more alike, those films. The style is all melting and it all looks the same. Even young directors - for most of them their only standard of achievement is how well their films do on the first weekend or whatever.

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Наиболее остро проблема (бесплодия) стоит среди белого населения развитых стран. Швеция, Финляндия, Дания — в лидерах. Чем южнее страна, тем проблема меньше. Испанцы, японцы, африканцы способны к большей частоте и качеству секса. У них выше потребность, соответственно, и результат лучше. У южан генетически выше уровень тестостерона.

Посмотрите, что едят наши мужчины. Углеводная пища, почти нет белка. Мы советуем включать в рацион морепродукты, фрукты, овощи, зелень и еду, в которой много цинка. Морепродукты — натуральный афродизиак, способствующий потенции. Кстати, по этой причине среди населения, живущего у моря, тоже проблема бесплодия встречается не так часто.

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"Score" is more or less a period piece now, filmed as it was in that post-sexual liberation/pre-AIDS window when it seemed that sexual, political and aesthetic freedom were essentially linked.

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The Searchers (1956)

My daughter and I decided to watch all the AFI top 100 films of all time and "The Searchers" was listed around #50. I am quite a western film fan and was surprised to see this movie on the list since I'd never heard of it. This film was terrible and a huge disappointment.

This film features stereotypical characters, a lousy script, terrible casting and acting and incredulous scenes. Tab Hunter? Please...he has got to be the worst actor on the planet. A thriving ranch in the middle of the Utah desert with no water and no plants? Wayne gets shot in the left shoulder in one scene and favors his right shoulder in subsequent scenes. "That'll be the day" is the favorite line spoken ad nauseum. There are no redeeming qualities to this film.

There were so many other excellent John Wayne - John Ford collaborations it is beyond my comprehension why this film is so highly rated. It belongs on my top 10 worst film list.

Racist Nonsense Set Against a Beautiful Monument Valley
jayraskin121 November 2009

There are more racist movies than "The Searchers." There is "Birth of a Nation" and there is the original "Rocky". So this is only the third most racist film in Hollywood movie history. John Wayne looks constipated and angry in most of the scenes. Ford mixes in bad comedy and undercuts whatever dramatic tension he establishes. The movie is only two hours but seems like three. One gets excited because it seems to be approaching a climax, but it just keeps going and going, a baroque Western. Jeffrey Hunter and Vera Miles are fine, but Natalie Wood is completely wasted in a bit part. If you want to see a true classic Hollywood Western that is well acted, far more exciting, with better cinematography, see William Wellman's 1944 masterpiece "Buffalo Bill." It is also wonderfully anti-racist, portraying Native Americans with sensitivity and intelligence.

This 1956 Western "The Searchers" can be seen as a reaction to the Supreme Court's 1954 decision in favor of school integration ( Brown Vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas) and the Montgomery bus boycott of 1955 started by Rosa Parks. Obviously Hollywood could not make a contemporary film attacking integration, but by setting their film in Western times and showing the unprovoked savagery of the Native Americans, the staunch message against contemporary race integration was clearly made.

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The Searchers (1956)

Perhaps John Ford's worst cinematic offense is one of those films that was indifferently reviewed when released, but has since achieved such revisionist stature that it's almost heresy to utter anything negative about it now. Obviously in 1956 John Ford the legend could do what he wanted. It's too bad he didn't want to make a movie featuring complex characters and a thought-provoking story. Instead we get a plot populated by sentimental simpletons doing hokey comedy: Swedish rancher Jorgensen in his gingerbread house, dense Charley McCorry, and simple-minded Mose Harper are exactly the types of stock characters that detract from John Ford's considerable virtues as a director. But the histrionics of all the other actors confirms that Ford was after an extremely melodramatic tone. In addition, he wastes a lot of film on Ward Bond's Ranger captain and Patrick Wayne's cavalry officer, characters who do not add to the story's development and slow the pace considerably. One can only assume John Wayne's son appears because Wayne wanted him to.

The landscape is harsh and beautiful, but although barren Monument Valley can easily stand in for Apache country, it cannot take the place of the Great Plains where both the novel and movie are set. Am I the only one who cared that there was no grass in cattle country, or that ranchers in the 1860s were eating dough-nuts for breakfast? And what is it with these Indian captives who go insane in Comanche villages? Couldn't Ford show a little subtlety in his treatment of the interaction between Euro and Native Americans? His sympathetic portrayal of Cochise in FORT APACHE introduces a note of complexity in that movie, creating a dramatic tension that is missing in the melodrama of THE SEARCHERS. It is impossible not to hate Comanche chief Scar, the villain of THE SEARCHERS. Ford's only other attempt to humanize Native Americans came in CHEYENNE AUTUMN (1964) when he had lost his powers altogether. What a shame!

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